Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Riding horses is a new passion for me. It started when my six year old son and I were invited over to a friend's house and we rode their horses. The next year my son started riding in 4-H, using our leader's horse. Three years later, he got his own horse to ride. My first horse was a Clydesdale named Patrick; and we have made big strides together and have learned alot.

Now riding is a family venture and my niece, nephew, son, and I are riding together. We now own five horses. I enjoy trail riding and camping while the kids are participating in 4-H events, equestrian, and hopefully qualify for other shows. In October 2013, I attended a beginner cow clinic with one of my horses and loved it!! I plan to do expose my horses to more events so we can grow together.

I am signing up for the Michigan Distance Derby to begin tracking my miles in the saddle. Each year my time on the trails have increased and I would to track actual miles. My goal also is to complete the Shore to Shore family ride either in 2014 or 2015; and participate in other riding ventures in my surrounding area.

Even though I am a beginner rider and just turned 50 years of age, I am excited to be in the presence of riders of all ages who are willing to support and offer advice to those just starting out.

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